February Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council Meeting

6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise

Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council meetings are held at the Butte County Fire Safe Council office at 6585 Clark Road (Suite 240), Paradise. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each[...]

Good Fire and Biochar Workshop

Noble Park, Paradise

Hosted by the Camp Fire Restoration Project Date and time Sat, February 11, 2023, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM PST Location Noble Park- 6722 Pentz Road Paradise, CA 95969 Learn more and[...]

4th Annual Butte County Museum Weekend

Gateway Science Museum 625 Esplanade, Chico

Find us at Museum Weekend with a new, hands-on exhibit about home hardening! We will be at the Gateway Science Museum with the "Ember House", and special guest, Wildfire Ready[...]

March Board of Directors Meeting

Paradise Town Hall 55555 Skyway, Paradise

Postponed to March 8th Meetings can be joined in-person or over Zoom. 9am-11am at Paradise Town Hall (5555 Skyway, Paradise). Join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92340047516 +1 (346) 248-7799 Meeting Agendas: https://buttefiresafe.net/document-library/board-of-directors-meetings/

March Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council Meeting

6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise

Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council meetings are held at the Butte County Fire Safe Council office at 6585 Clark Road (Suite 240), Paradise. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each[...]

Wildfire Community Preparedness Day


Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is a national campaign that encourages people and organizations everywhere to come together on a single day to take action to raise awareness and reduce wildfire[...]

Broom Removal Day at Paradise High School

Paradise High School 5911 Maxwell Dr, Paradise

Help us Doom the Broom! Support campus and community wildfire safety by removing broom plants on the Ridge. When: Saturday, May 13th from 9 am-12 pm Where: Paradise High School[...]

2nd Annual Fun in the Sun Jamboree

Riverbend Park 50 Montgomery Street, Oroville, CA

Stop by our booth for wildfire safety resources, fun, and prizes.

Party in the Park Kick-off

Paradise Community Park 5570 Black Olive Drive, Paradise, CA

Join the Butte County Fire Safe Council and Wildfire Ready Raccoon for the kick-off to Wednesday night's Party in the Park concert series! Stop by our booth for wildfire safety[...]

Berry Creek Community Church 1461 Bald Rock, Berry Creek

A free community event for Berry Creek residents. Join us to sign up for no-cost wildfire safety services, hang out with Wildfire Ready Raccoon, and check out the new hands-on[...]