Who We Are
Who We Are
The Butte County Fire Safe Council (BCFSC) formed in 1998 and is Butte County’s largest ally in educating and assisting the public with wildfire preparedness. The BCFSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit community organization funded by grants and community donations. The organization operates in cooperation with local, state and federal fire agencies throughout Butte County.
The BCFSC is the “parent” organization to several active local fire safe councils and nationally recognized FIREWISE Communities throughout the County. The BCFSC Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the local councils and representatives of many public and private stakeholders throughout Butte County. The organization staff help implement projects, connect with community members and leverage partnerships.
What We Do
Defensible Space – The BCFSC assists landowners create defensible space around their homes to improve their home’s chances of surviving a wildfire through various programs including; Chipper program, Residents Assistance Program (RAP), fire Fire Safe Home Visits.
Wildfire Education – The BCFSC produces and distributes information to residents on public safety topics including wildfire safety and evacuation planning and preparedness. The 6th grade education program educates students on property planning to reduce risks and survive a wildfire.
Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Projects – The BCFSC has taken the lead to implement many fuel reduction projects. Projects typically involve shaded fuel breaks, reducing ground and ladder fuels along community escape routes. Most projects are conceived, planned and implemented by the initiative and dedication of community volunteers with support from the BCFSC staff, local agencies, and various grant funding sources.