Volunteering is a great way to support our organization and your community's wildfire safety! The BCFSC also relies on community volunteer hours for our grant match.
Volunteer hours may include: Improving wildfire safety on your home or property, preparing stacks for the Chipper Program, participating in a Fire Safe Council or Firewise USA Community meeting or project, and more. Financial contributions are also tracked for match.
Individual Volunteer Hours Tracking Form
EACH volunteer must fill out and sign their own sheet. Ex: If you and a partner work on a project together, you will each need to fill out your own volunteer sheet.
Click here to access the form.
Planning an event or attending a group fire-safe meeting?
Group Volunteer Hours Tracking Form
Download Here:
Volunteer-Hours-Tracking-Sheet-GROUP.pdf (1305 downloads )
Once completed, the volunteer hours form can be submitted in the following ways:
Printed and dropped off in person to our office: 6569 Clark Road, Paradise.
Printed and mailed to PO Box 699, Paradise, CA. 95967
Filled out as a pdf, saved, and emailed to [email protected]
If you live in a Firewise USA community, please submit your hours or a copy of the completed form to your community leader to count towards your community's annual investment to remain "In Good Standing".
Questions about volunteering or submitting your hours? Give us a call at 530-877-0984.