Beat the Heat Festival
South Chico Community Assistance Center 1805 Park Ave, ChicoThe Butte County Fire Safe Council will have a table highlighting what to pack in a Go Bag and keep in a personal emergency box.
The Butte County Fire Safe Council will have a table highlighting what to pack in a Go Bag and keep in a personal emergency box.
Drop-ins excepted, RSVP preferred: Location: Campfire Council Ring, at the One Mile Recreation Area, North of Caper Acres. *Tools and Equipment Provided - Please bring[...]
Hybrid meetings, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public. There is a public comment period and community reports in the last 15 minutes. When: The first Wednesday of every[...]
Join the Butte County Fire Safe Council and Wildfire Ready Raccoon for the last night of the Wednesday night Party in the Park concert series! Stop by our booth for[...]
The Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council (PRFSC) encompasses the entire Paradise Ridge, from Butte Valley to Butte Meadows. Meetings are open to the public. When: Second Wednesday of each month[...]
Meetings occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Forest Ranch Community Center. View agendas and resources here: Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council | Forest[...]
* Event Dates: August 16th, August 23rd, August 30th
Event Dates: July 27th, July 28th, August 17th, August 25th, August 31st
Monthly meetings occur on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm. Meeting locations are private residences; you must contact the Little Chico Creek Fire Safe Council for the[...]
Get assistance signing up for the BCFSC's new FEMA grant, keep your eyes out for a special visit from Wildfire Ready Raccoon, see 'Ready's Fire-safe Remodel' in action, and more!
Event Dates: August 22nd, August 29th Download Flier:
Join us for a short leadership training with The Training Place, followed by networking with other community leaders and professionals in the natural resource and wildfire field. Brown Bag Lunch[...]
* Event Dates: August 16th, August 23rd, August 30th
Event Dates: July 27th, July 28th, August 17th, August 25th, August 31st
Event Dates: August 22nd, August 29th Download Flier:
* Event Dates: August 16th, August 23rd, August 30th
Event Dates: July 27th, July 28th, August 17th, August 25th, August 31st
Hybrid meetings, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public. There is a public comment period and community reports in the last 15 minutes. When: The first Wednesday of every[...]
Meetings occur the first Wednesday of the month at 6 pm at Bigfoot Eats and Market at 12235 La Porte Rd, Clipper Mills. Direct questions to