Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise

The Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council (PRFSC) encompasses the entire Paradise Ridge, from Butte Valley to Butte Meadows. Meetings are open to the public.  When: Second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm Where: Butte County Fire Safe Council Office 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise To be added to the PRFSC email list, contact[...]

Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

Forest Ranch Community Center 15807 Forest Ranch Rd, Forest Ranch

Meetings occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Forest Ranch Community Center.  View agendas and resources here: Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council | Forest Ranch Communi ( Direct questions to the Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council at [email protected]  

“Wilder Than Wild” Film Screening and Discussion

Oroville State Theatre 1489 Myers St., Oroville, California

WILDER THAN WILD: Fire, Forests and the Future This award-winning documentary shows how fire suppression and climate change have exposed our forests and wildland-urban landscapes to large, high-severity wildfires, and explores strategies to mitigate the impact of these fires. Brought to you by the Butte County Fire Safe Council as part of our 25th Anniversary.[...]

U-Pick Apple Fundraiser at Noble Orchards

Noble Orchards 7050 Pentz Rd, Paradise, CA

Grab your family, flannels, and friends for a fall Sunday in the orchards to benefit the Butte County Fire Safe Council! Noble Orchards' Gala and Granny Smith apples will be ready for picking, in addition to pre-picked products and plants for sale. Only proceeds from the U-pick apples will go towards this fundraiser. Half of[...]

Adopt-a-Forest/Make A Difference Day

This year, our annual Adopt-a-Forest volunteer event will be held in conjunction with Love Paradise's Make a Difference Day. Volunteers are needed to continue work on three important project areas in Magalia. Projects involve removing invasive broom plants, pruning regrowing oak trees, removing small amounts of garbage, and piling vegetation for the chipper. These projects[...]

Invasive Species Removal in Lower Bidwell Park

Lower Bidwell Park

This event is hosted by the Butte County Fire Safe Council as part of this year's Butte County Climate Action Day. Join us for a free celebratory lunch and live music afterward in the Oak Grove picnic area, hosted by the Butte Environmental Council. Tools provided. Bring a water bottle, closed-toed shoes, and long pants[...]

Event Series BCFSC Board of Director Meeting

BCFSC Board of Directors Meeting

Paradise Town Hall 55555 Skyway, Paradise

Hybrid meetings, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public. There is a public comment period and community reports in the last 15 minutes.  When: The first Wednesday of every month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Where: Zoom or in-person In-person at Paradise Town Hall, 5555 Skyway, Paradise. Download Meeting Agendas Here:

Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise

The Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council (PRFSC) encompasses the entire Paradise Ridge, from Butte Valley to Butte Meadows. Meetings are open to the public.  When: Second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm Where: Butte County Fire Safe Council Office 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise To be added to the PRFSC email list, contact[...]

Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

Forest Ranch Community Center 15807 Forest Ranch Rd, Forest Ranch

Meetings occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Forest Ranch Community Center.  View agendas and resources here: Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council | Forest Ranch Communi ( Direct questions to the Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council at [email protected]  

Event Series Forestry Community “Brown Bag Lunch”

Forestry Community “Brown Bag Lunch”

The Training Place at Butte College Skyway Center 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA, United States

Join us for a short leadership training with The Training Place, followed by networking with other community leaders and professionals in the natural resource and wildfire field.  Brown Bag Lunch meetings are open to the public.  RSVP to: [email protected] * Bring your own lunch or snacks  

Invasive Species Removal in Bidwell Park

Campfire Council Ring Chico

  Join us for an invasive species removal event in the historic Bidwell Park! Help us remove unwanted vegetation found around the park to improve the safety, health, and aesthetic of the park. The event will be held from 9:00AM to 12:00PM on Saturday, December 2nd, at the Campfire Council Ring located in South One[...]

17th Annual Wildfire Safety Summit

Paradise Alliance Church 6491 Clark Road, Paradise

Sorry, this event is full. To be put on the waitlist, please call our office at 530-877-0984.


Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise 6585 Clark Road, Suite 240, Paradise

The Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council (PRFSC) encompasses the entire Paradise Ridge, from Butte Valley to Butte Meadows. Meetings are open to the public.  When: Second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm Where: Butte County Fire Safe Council Office 6569 Clark Road, Paradise To be added to the PRFSC email list for meeting announcements[...]

Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council Monthly Meeting

Forest Ranch Community Center 15807 Forest Ranch Rd, Forest Ranch

Meetings occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Forest Ranch Community Center.  View agendas and resources here: Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council | Forest Ranch Communi ( Direct questions to the Forest Ranch Fire Safe Council at [email protected]  

Event Series Forestry Community “Brown Bag Lunch”

Forestry Community “Brown Bag Lunch”

The Training Place at Butte College Skyway Center 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA, United States

Join us for a short leadership training with The Training Place, followed by networking with other community leaders and professionals in the natural resource and wildfire field.  Brown Bag Lunch meetings are open to the public.  RSVP to: [email protected] * Bring your own lunch or snacks