Chipper Program

To sign up for the BCFSC Chipper Program, please fill out our Chipper Intake Form. We will follow up promptly with all form submissions.

If you would like to enroll over the phone or have questions, you can call our Chipper Program Manager, Jacque, at 530-966-6242. You can also email Jacque at [email protected].

Read on for important information and requirements for chipping service.



Updated Chipper Flyer June 6 2022

DID YOU KNOW? The Butte County Fire Safe Council is required to submit match for grants that have already been received. The hours it takes landowners to prepare piles for the Chipper Program counts towards this grant match. Upon enrolling in the program, you will be asked to submit your match hours in exchange for this no-cost service. This enables the Butte County Fire Safe Council to continue providing essential wildfire safety services.

Download the BCFSC Match form here.

Completed match forms can be emailed, mailed, or turned in to the Butte County Fire Safe Council office in-person.

To apply for the Chipper Program, please fill out our Program Intake Form here.

To ensure that your piles are chipped:

  • Build neat piles with all cut ends facing toward the street
  • Build piles in areas that can be easily accessed with a truck
  • Locate piles on level ground, or on the uphill side of the road, outside of drainages
  • Make sure that your piles contain no rocks, metal, mud, poison oak, scotch broom, vines, blackberries, or building materials
  • Include only materials that are less than 8 inches in diameter and less than 10 feet in length
  • "Loose" piles are preferable to tightly packed material.
  • Be respectful of the contractors' time

Our program is NOT able to chip:

  • Roots or decaying wood
  • Pine cones, pine needles, leaves, or yard clippings
  • Piles that are over 4 feet high or built over standing vegetation
  • Cut ends larger than 8 inches in diameter
  • Short pieces that will endanger the chipper operator
  • Orchard or Timber Harvest materials
  • Piles constructed with mechanical assistance (i.e. with a tractor)