When: The first Wednesday of every month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Where: Zoom or in-person
Join In-person:
Butte College Skyway Center
2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA 95928
Join Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82599712750
Meeting ID: 825 9971 2750
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,82599712750# US
+17193594580,,82599712750# US
Executive Board:
Darrel Wilson
Jim Broshears
Don Hankins
Laurie Noble
Board of Directors:
Bill Connelly
Dave Derby
Steve Feher
Tom Kelly
Dorr Lewright
Ursula Parker
Doug Teeter
Kevin Wright
Robin Wills
Mark Reith
Rose Tyron
Greg Dietrich