Biochar Fuels Reduction Project and Demonstration

14603 Lafayette Circle, Magalia 14615 - 14603 Lafayette Circle, Magalia

  Calling community volunteers to join us in Magalia to complete a neighborhood fuels reduction project. Learn how to make biochar using a kiln and tips for effective fuels reduction.  This event is hosted by the Butte County Fire Safe Council, with technical assistance from Steve Feher. Orientation is at 8 am, but it is[...]

Concow Biochar Hands-on Demonstration and Making Workshop

13550 Hog Ranch Road, Concow Meadows Research Station 13550 Hog Ranch Road, Oroville, CA

Hosted by the Biochar Maker's Association. Lean about how to make, use, and why we all need to incorporate more Biochar into our community.  What's so great about BIOCHAR? Improves forest health. Reduces fire threats. Increases soil moisture and nutrient retention. Sequesters carbon. Bring your questions and friends out on Saturday April 9th to[...]


Basic Radio Communications Training

1222 Openshaw Rd, Oroville

Basic Radio Communications training with Butte County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Visit CERT's event page for details, to rsvp, and add to your calendar.  

Celebrate Earth Day in Paradise- Volunteer!

Volunteer Tree Planting with Paradise Recreation and Park District Help plant the ridge!  Location: Bille Park & Moore Road Ball Park, Paradise  Dates: April 22, 23, 24. Time: 11am - 4pm Learn more and sign up: Love Paradise Make a Difference Days Projects in garden box making, landscaping, clean up, and horse care. When:[...]

May Day Camp with the Camp Fire Restoration Project

Sol Sanctuary 4791 Round Valley Ranch Road, Paradise, CA

PLEASE FOLLOW THE EVENTBRITE LINK TO REGISTER. Register here:   Bring your friends and family and join the Camp Fire Restoration Project for May Day Camp at Sol Sanctuary in Paradise, CA! Enjoy a day or two outside to celebrate Spring and participate in ecological stewardship and restoration on the Ridge. This event will take place[...]

optional donation

Community Wildfire Preparedness Day

County Wide

Get involved! Join your local Fire Safe Council, Firewise community, neighbors, or just your family to set time aside on May 7th to work on a project to lower your wildfire risk. Visit the event website to get ideas for projects and how to take action this wildfire prep day. Don't wait, make a plan[...]

Paradise Garden Tour- “Coming Back from Fire”

6332 Clark Road, Paradise

This is a self-guided, driving/strolling tour of privately owned gardens in Paradise.  Three private homes are featured, with varying experience of fire survival. The tour will feature examples, guidance, and demonstrations for bringing yards and gardens back to life after the Camp Fire. Each property will have a knowledgeable club member docent. At the Tour[...]
