Good Fire and Biochar Workshop
February 11, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Hosted by the Camp Fire Restoration Project
Date and time
Noble Park- 6722 Pentz Road Paradise, CA 95969
Learn more and RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/good-fire-and-biochar-workshop-tickets-484244788197
This workshop aims to:
- Increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of using prescribed fire, good fire, and biochar for forest health and community safety
- Show how good fire can be used to control invasive species and increase the presence of fire-adapted native plants
- Provide information and hands-on experience on how biochar is created and why it is so valuable for soil health and carbon sequestration
- Build community while advocating for best practices in forest health and management
- Present volunteer opportunities to work with community members to reduce fire risk.
This event will be outdoors. Please dress appropriately.
There will be a hands-on biochar demonstration. Arrive early at 9am to help load the kiln.
PLEASE BRING a coffee mug, soup bowl, spoon, camp chair, work gloves, work boots, and a mask for smoke if health compromised.