Date Change: Biochar Volunteer Day
January 14, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Biochar-Demonstration-and-Fuels-Reduction-Work-Day-Updated.png (234 downloads )
Date has changed to Sunday, January 14th, 2024.
Volunteer Day – Biochar
Tis the Season for cool weather and pile burning. Do you burn on your property? Have you been wanting to learn about burning and all the benefits? This showcase and engaging hands on workshop is for you!
Come out and learn from local fire experts on how to produce and use biochar that can be done on your own land. This is a collaborative community event put on by local agencies, we would love to have you out there.
Hosted by:
Paradise Recreation and Park District (PRPD)
Camp Fire Restoration Project (CFRP)
Regenerating Paradise
Sustainable Community Development Institute (SCDI)
Who: Everyone is welcome!
What: Always wondered what biochar is all about? Come get hands-on experience making biochar with local experts and get all your biochar-related questions answered!
Where: Noble Park, Paradise, CA (On the east side of Pentz Rd., between Wagstaff and Merrill)
6722 Pentz Rd. Paradise CA 95969
Follow this link for more information and sign-up: Volunteer Day – Biochar PRPD