Biochar Fuels Reduction Project and Demonstration
March 12, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Calling community volunteers to join us in Magalia to complete a neighborhood fuels reduction project. Learn how to make biochar using a kiln and tips for effective fuels reduction.
This event is hosted by the Butte County Fire Safe Council, with technical assistance from Steve Feher.
Orientation is at 8 am, but it is okay to arrive later to assist.
Meet between 14615 and 14603 Lafayette Circle, Magalia. (No rsvp needed, just show up.)
If you want to be hands-on and help, please wear sturdy close-toed shoes, long pants and long sleeves. Bring water and snacks/lunch.
We are hoping for 20 participants to complete this project.