October 29, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
In partnership with California Volunteers, the Butte County Community Climate Action Day is a service day with projects focused on urban greening, organic waste and edible food recovery, and wildfire resiliency. The Butte County Fire Safe Council is partnering with Paradise Recreation and Park District, Butte County Resource Conservation District, and the U.S. Forest Service to host our annual Adopt-A-Forest volunteer service day for forest health and wildfire resilience.
To participate in the Butte County Community Climate Action Day, and join our Adopt-A-Forest volunteer day, sign up here:
When you register, select the “Wildfire Resilience: Forest health, Fuels Reduction, Invasive Plant Removal” project option. You will receive more information about the meet up address and registration confirmation. All volunteers have the option to attend the pre and post service day event at DeGarmo Park in Chico, as the schedule indicates. There will also be the option to meet directly at the work site in Magalia if you do not plan to attend the Chico portion. Free pizza lunch and drinks will be provided at Paradise Lake for Adopt-A-Forest volunteers who choose not to attend the free lunch in Chico.
For questions, please email [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us and we hope to see you on October 29th!
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